certas canções

Certas canções – Milton Nascimento Certas canções que ouço cabem tão dentro de mim que perguntar carece como não fui eu que fiz? Certa emoção me alcança corta-me a alma sem dor certas canções me chegam como se fosse o amor Contos da água e do fogo cacos de vidas no chão cartas do sonho …


two true stories

Somewhere in between acquaintance and friend I asked why?, and she answered: I survived cancer.  It was some years ago, she said, a decade now without another challenge. I counted back: how young! And the thought dissolved – as some thoughts do – becoming a gentle interior rain, washing down to common ground, what is …



Tangle – Mark Schultz If you could sing the wind, your voice should wear a sighing sound, as if from distant sources you had flown, and half-way through your flight your wings were weary but not yet done. Or a whistling of time through the sieve: divided into strands that strain then stream in parallel …


A Word on the Wind

Tonight I was sitting in a pile of wood shavings, they fell like heavy flakes of snow as I carved away layers of beech, until I was adrift. A seated Buddha is concealed within what was originally a modest 6″ block of roughcut. The Buddha’s always within… I know that… you just need the patience …


Gota de luz

Some words seem to be born of an inner and shared light… For me they may arrive after the stillness of meditation; but just as often the softest and most human words are accompanied or are led by a melody. All creation is frequency, is a movement of waves, from the highest vibrations of quasars …
