Author Archives: admin
certas canções
Certas canções – Milton Nascimento Certas canções que ouço cabem tão dentro de mim que perguntar carece como não fui eu que fiz? Certa emoção me alcança corta-me a alma sem dor certas canções me chegam como se fosse o amor Contos da água e do fogo cacos de vidas no chão cartas do sonho …
Because the stone is washed by the riverspray, and pine needles litter its surface, the girl walks carefully. As the root-stained water boils through the canyon, its incessant stirring cutting cauldrons in the bedrock, as pebbles are spun around and around and around, the voice of the current is a roar that doesn't pause for …
At first it is a passage of days, and you measure them in days from, your eyes and your heart reaching outward, and the familiar – perhaps the mundane – gently is displaced by the roll of the deck, the expanding horizon, the constancy of the wind, the salt on your lips. Run your tongue …
Hug a tree
Why did you reflexively contract when you read that title? Does it go back to the conservative's 70s sound-bite, "tree huggers", a term used (as usual) not to increase knowledge and understanding, but to ridicule and demean, the fear-response of a bullying child? Were you tainted by the bully's threat? Or does it touch on …
Music Master
This weekend, 60 people gathered to celebrate the art of love – as expressed in the gentle and sweet music of Enid Ames, modern musician and composer of southern New Hampshire, and in the words of Jelalludin Rumi, b 1207 in what was then the eastern margin of the Persian Empire, and what is now …
The lens of a book
Enceladus, one of many
Happiness and the Art of Being
Michael James, on the practice of Sri Ramana Maharshi. From the Introduction to Happiness and the Art of Being. Happiness lies deep within us, in the very core of our being. Happiness does not exist in any external object, but only in us, who are the consciousness that experiences happiness. Though we seem to derive …
Fri-Sun., Aug. 22-24 Journey as Destination Earth-You-Sky (B3B) Bring yoga and awareness practices out of the studio and into the woods for a third-eye-opening weekend in the Whites. Crawford Notch car-camp promises great food, good company, and intermediate hikes to surrounding peaks; higher altitudes mean good phys. cond. is important. Cost of $55 includes 2 nights, …
An echinacea blossom sits in a vase on the kitchen table, slightly to the left of center, bowing in my direction. Some of these wildflowers are sturdier than most, and even cut retain their bearing, their color and form, for many days. There are people like that as well, keep blooming when the root is …
“No; no, please; no more.” Art stretches on the canvas, the sun fallen half-way round the sky, having sweated its way to zenith, now drying and diminishing toward the end of its day, the end. “But why? I thought the work was just beginning? I thought: a little more color, how it changes from morning …