Trusting the Universe

Manny Muros:

I have always had a lot of faith and trust in the goodness of the Universe… A believe that things will always work out for the best. The desire to simply see clearly what is in front of me.

Traveling thru India we have had lots of practice on moving toward a general certain direction and allowing the experience to unfold as it wants to… We’ve been entering one unknown situation after another and yet always feeling a guiding wind move us to our destination. There is always the smiling face that directs us. The intuition to go right instead of left… sometimes it has been to turn back! 

What a gift it is to travel simply for the sake of the journey…. No rigid agenda or expectations but simply the desire to experience what is being presented to us…..  To quickly choose among the unknown options by the inner knowing. Also, knowing, that we can simply choose again and again… I arrived at Goa a week earlier than expected, with Mark’s company, and further south than originally planned. And yet, so perfectly executed as it simply has unfolded in front of our eyes.

I am half way thru my 6 weeks in India. The first 3 weeks have been of constant motion and new experiences. Traveling hundreds of miles in every sort of mode of transportation to see both coasts of this Country. For the next 3 weeks I “plan” to be in the stillness of the beaches of Goa…. After the friction of the travel I get to sit in the stillness of introspection…. Not sure what will be more challenging :)  ….. Actually, I have no idea what the next 3 weeks are to present to me!

There is a part of me that is ready to go home now or in a week with Mark…. The part that misses home and my love one’s there. But there is that inner knowing that there is more for me to learn, to experience on my own here in India…..

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