Manny Muros:
I find myself at yet another internet cafe, grounding my energy as I connect with life back home…. Today, Mark and I are completely surrounded by Tibetan monks as we are within the monastery campus.
With the pace of our travels, every few days we seem to enter totally different realities. From the hustle of big cities to meditating in caves, the Matrimandir, and in Tibetan monasteries. We have stayed at fancy hotels and are presently staying at a Tibetan's family farm house. We have eaten with our hands on an Ashram's temple floor and had a beer on a rooftop cafe overlooking the lit-up Mysore Palace. Let's just say we have had a full range of bathroom experiences!
The most interesting thing is that no matter what the external environment happens to be there is this constant "me" having the experience. It's always my thoughts, my being who is there, who is constant….. Over the temples there are a large number of what appear to be eagles or hawks. Just hovering, riding the wind, with little effort presiding over the landscape. I can truly relate to them as we seem to be gliding from one experience to the next, while staying constant in our own being.
I was just reading the metaphor that we can view life like a spinning wheel…. There is much movement and action as the wheel moves, but right in the hub of the wheel there is a sense of stillness as everything moves around you… I find myself growing in stillness and peace as I move deeper into my own center. Clearly, what ever comes our way will only be a temporary experience to be savored and explored, but the journey will continue…. All that is required is a good sense of humor :)
May we all be travelers as we move through our own life's journey….
– Manny
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