
Manny Muros:

Today we climbed the mountain located behind the ashram. In 1900 a 16 year old local seeker climbed that mountain and stayed for 17 years in a cave. Then moved to a second cave for 6 more years. When he came down his followers created what is now the ashram where we are staying…. Ramana Maharshi had found out that he was not "this body" and achieved freedom from life as he had know it.

Mark and I have been waking up at around 3:30am, doing yoga around 5:00am and breakfast at the ashram is at 7:15am.  Today we climbed that mountain after breakfast and meditated inside the two caves used by Maharshi. The intensity of the experience was indescribable. Lets just say that when i tried to get up it felt like the mountain was moving but i guess it was just energy moving inside of me….

This country has such complexity….. Right in front of the ashram there was a man squatting down to pee in the open trench and the peasants are begging for money. Oxes pull wagons.  Rickshaws, scooters, and buses fly by swirling to avoid hitting all the moving obstacles on the road. In the evening you can see many locals sleeping right on the street. It's dirty, noisy and exotic all at the same time. The locals look tired and worn out from their daily existence yet if our eyes meet there is an instant warmth and a smile at being seen….

The mountain, the ashram, the locals, and the western seekers all meet in this strange place to create something truly indescribable…..


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